This lesson plan structure works very well with clothing, using doll clothes as the props. If you are using the flashcards linked at the end of the lesson, you can play a matching game with the students.You might assign students to find another song with animals in it.You might discuss how Gaels view(ed) the world by looking at which animals they talk about in songs.Dè nì mi ma chaill mi ’n t-each? (for intermediate learners) - lyrics and recording.Calum Crùbach (for beginners) - lyrics and recording (another recording).You could sing “Bidh cù ag ràdh…” between two segments of chatting about the animal props, and then learn another song at the end.You could choose another song with lots of animal names in it to listen to at the beginning.“ Dè bhitheas X ag ràdh agus ag ithe?” or “ Dè a dh’itheas e? Ithidh e…”Įnglish time! Briefly explain the grammar structures, and allow students to ask questions.ìte, bian, fada, goirid, number of limbs, “Cia mheud X a th’ air?”) Describe the animal’s body parts (e.g.Description of the animal ( mòr or beag, cunnartach or laghach).Colour of the animal (“ Dè an dath a th’ air?” or “ Tha e X”).“ tha X air” or “ tha e X” structures, future or habitual tense) Choose which of these questions best suit your learners’ abilities or your target grammar (e.g. Pull the animal props out of a bag and state the name, having students repeat after you.ĭiscuss the animals. If using only Gaelic for this section, you or the students may pick out the animal from the props rather than translating the word. You may simply tell students which words are animals and what animals they are, but see if the students know first even if you haven’t taught the vocabulary (many students have prior knowledge or extend themselves outside of class). Listen to the recording and pick out the animal names. “ Ciamar a tha thu?” and similar questions Ask familiar questions to settle into Gaelic. As a conclusion, it can be concluded that the implementation of english songs could help to increase the young learner’s vocabulary mastery.Introduction: a brief reminder to stick to Gaelic and ask questions in English at the end.

The result of the second cycle was successful because the average of post-test score was 77,78. Songs were combined the body movement in second cycle of the classroom action research. The second cycle was conducted based on the result of the first cycle. Therefore, the teacher-researcher conducted the second cycle. The result of the first cycle was not quiet successful because the average of post –test score in cycle one was 37,8. Songs were applied in the activities of the first cycle of classrooms action research. The data would be analysed in order to solve the problems. Field notes and observation checklists were applied to take the data during the teaching learning process. In this research, instruments to gather the data were field notes and observation checklists. Each cycle of classroom action research was planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The teaching technique using songs were implemented through teaching and learning activities in two cycles of classroom action research. The classroom action research was implemented in this research. This research was conducted to increase the young learners’ vocabulary mastery in b class of tungga dewi day-care. Therefore, young learner in early age (approximately 3-4 years old) should get stimulation and learn English vocabulary in order to get preparation to study in higher level. In early age, the young learners are easy to accept the language that has been given by teacher. Nowadays, introducing english vocabulary can be started in the kindergarten school. Vocabulary is basic part of language when we learn english.